Senior Adults

Senior Adult News for March 2024

The Show 'n' Tell salad luncheon held April 18 was enjoyed by 15 seniors. Several brought items about which to share some interesting stories. There was everything from a sword and helmet to a doll, a book, tools, a small, smooth stone; and others. Tables were decorated by Faye Parker and Ronney Craig, and a devotional was shared by Mark Jackson. Offering received was $31.30.

The first Sunday in May is traditionally Senior Sunday, and a special service will be held on May 5. Rev. Mitchell Shields will be our guest speaker at the morning service, and a churchwide potluck will be held at 5:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall. Bring a salad, vegetable, or dessert to share, and join in the sweet time of fellowship.

The May luncheon will be held on the 16th, which will feature a Hawaiian Luau theme. Jane Birchfield will be our speaker, and she will share about some of her missionary trip experiences. It will be held in the church fellowship hall at 11:30 a.m.

A time of prayer was held for Frank and Helen Wilson, Johnnie Brock, Dolly Rice, and Imagean Adams. Others still needing prayer include Judy Roberson recovering from surgery, Darrell Dailey, Tricia Dailey's sister Michelle, Ronney Craig recovering from minor surgery, Margaret Skelton, Pat Sealy, Burke West, June Brooks, Ralph and Charlotte Clutton, Keneth and Priscilla Cope, Shelby O'Neal, Dana and Laurie Jones, Bill and Nancy Huffines, Cricket Gray, Marilyn Raxter, and Linda Graham.

Continued prayers are needed for Jim and Pat Lancaster, as well as their daughter and granddaughter awaiting new kidneys, Larry Phillips, Walter Raxter, Teresa and Ray Hyde, Reba Gibson, Mack Huscusson, Kathy Nichols, Dick Higdon, and Bonnie Lloyd.

Praise the Lord for the hiring of a new youth director, Warren Carlile, who will be assuming his duties in early June! Pray for those who are working with the youth and for continued unity in working together to further the Kingdom of God. Pray for Pastor Calvin and his family, deacons and their families, Jennifer Farr and musicians, teachers, and leaders in the various Sunday and Wednesday evening classes, and each one who has a unique part in making Andrews First Baptist Church a lighthouse for Jesus.

VBS is just around the corner! Pray about how you can be involved in this year's VBS to be held July 21 through August 4 (Sunday and Wednesday evenings). Pray for Janet Bobo as she gets things organized and planned.

Don't forget to pray for the persecuted church around the world, especially in America. Pray for the right candidates to run in the elections, so that we can have folks in office who want to obey God's laws. Pray for folks in war-time countries, as well as those who have been affected by fires and storms in our country. Pray daily for our military as they protect our freedoms; we are grateful for the brave who allow us to live in the land of the free. Pray also for first responders ~ they have an awesome responsibility as they reach out to those in need. Pray for our students in the elementary, middle, and high schools, as well as those who have gone off to college campuses. Pray also for teachers and staff, that they will all let their lights shine for Jesus. The end of the school year will soon be upon us; pray for all to do well in their final testings. Pray for Blake Newton, who is working on raising money for tuition for a special language school this summer.

Happy Spring! 

The Young at Hearts Committee

Ronney Craig, Jean Higdon, Jim and Pat Lancaster,

Faye Parker, and Jeanette Wilson

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