Operation Help and Hope

Operation Help and Hope News for January 2025

Proverbs 11:25 "...a generous person will be enriched"

Operation Help/Hope has many generous persons ministering to our Andrews community.

Kid's Food Bag Ministry: Andrews First, Andrews Second, Junaluska, Beaver Creek, Rowland's Creek

Dr & Mackie Garland and Andrews First designated offerings meeting hunger needs at AES, AMS.

Received first shipment Ingles shelf stable milk post hurricane. Manna delivered "good" week end bags

we've had two Manna shipments post Helene. Supplement bags continue to be a blessing receiving weekly from sister churches.

Treat bags in this week's delivery; apple, orange, tangerine, candy, gum, christmas ornament:Jesus is the Reason and bookmark.

Gift cards to Joe, our manna transportation coordinator, Colton, Jerry and Bryan the guys who pick up kid's bags for AES and AMS. Gift boxes delivered to AHS, AMS, AES principals-thanking them for helping get these food bags to kids. Thank you from Colton for his gift card. He commented,"he loved to serve in this way".

Thank you to the Postells, Dorcas Brooks, & Helen Wilson, Jason & Julie Rowland, Angie Brooks, PeeWee & Amy Davis and Jason Chastain for faithful service to this ministry. 

Florida Sister/Friends supplied large stockings filled with warmth: hat, gloves, socks, chapstick, candy, and card saying: Christ is Christmas, Jesus Loves You and so do we Your Friends Operation Help/Hope.

These were presented to class Friday 13th when they performed choral selections.

Ms. Dolly Rice continues to bless this ministry with Teen Application Bibles. We place Bible, devotional, journal, pen and chocolate with birthday wishes and Jennifer delivers to AHS chorus. This past month to three students.

Operation Help/Hope ministered to 19 year old girl at homeless shelter. A large warm blanket, hat, gloves, socks, and Teen Bible. When she received with tears in her eyes her comment: A church does Bible study at shelter two times a week and now I will have my Bible.

A financial donation from these Sister/Friends to Dancin in the Raine Prayers for this ministry as it expands, the enemy putting up obstacles.

To God be the glory Great things He has done! So many generous persons bless these opportunities of serving. We are enriched!

Again AFBC we are thankful for our clean, warm, convenient site.

As we emphasize the real meaning of Christmas, may we be a light shining bright in our Andrews community.

God Bless All 

Much Love,



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